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  1. L

    Best way to increase conditioning

    @godsloveforme Lower you calories. Losing 10kg would probably help more than anything. If you are running 2-3 times per week and not having the Stamina you want then maybe exercise alone won't get you there. Thoughts: would likely increase your calories out and involve a lot of up and...
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    Tired of getting injured

    @wally1648 If you did everything suggested here you'd spend 2h stretching and warming up. Try this : + 1-2x20-30 second paused goblet squats As to warm ups, start light, like with 1 plate and keep adding plates or half plates till you get to your working sets. Do sets of 5-10. I always do...
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    DB Press Increase

    @lucyflor With dumbbells you need to get a bit creative. I've seen lots of suggestions for mini plates. OK that is one form of progression. What you want to look at is adding density: the amount of work done. You can do this by reducing the time. Increasing the sets. Increasing the reps...
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @susiejeanne You might find Dan Johns podcast or books freeing. Easy Strength is highly recommended. As someone else said Workout to Live is kind of his defining principle.
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    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    @mdhess I keep my workout schedule kind of simple, so if something comes up, I can skip it or do it the next day, no worries. I am not a professional athlete so there is no real need to pretend I will lose my job if I miss a workout or have to combine the big lifts from two into one workout.