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  1. T

    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @jimjam I need to find this Arnold split. I have long arms and while they have definition, they need more. Filling out long levers is a serious challenge so training needs to be specific like you’re talking about.
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    Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

    @thebadcatholic I think I’m going to have to try the Stronger BTD out. That’s fantastic for you! I’m intrigued. I have been trying to improve my results. Do you attribute your progress mainly to this or the combination of yoga also? I’m sure it plays into it, just wondering if you feel they are...
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    Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

    @thebadcatholic Great program! How long are your lifting sessions? How effective do you feel the stronger by the day program has been? I am also a lifter, but don’t follow a program per se. I also have back issues which I feel lifting has helped and love skiing!! I used to do yoga but my lifting...
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    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @royc My out of shape family members have said I’m “lucky” and genuinely questioned how I still have my youthful physique as if it is truly luck. Never mind I don’t eat like they do, am not sedentary, go to the gym very regularly, and do a host of other positive lifestyle factors. As far as...
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @gumcareblog It’s all still new. Try not to beat yourself up over last week as all of us were in shock. Adjusting a workout schedule from gym to home- based is no easy task. There’s a lot of preparation prior to implementing it and we didn’t see it coming to this. Combine that change along with...