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  1. J

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @dawn16 I think the commenter is pointing out that sure, she may need diet and exercise changes but she should be doing so under the advice and care of a physician. I also don't think she should be engaging in exercises without remembering that she just had a baby and birth recovery takes a long...
  2. J

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @dawei7 Woman, yes, you need to lose weight. But can we just pause for a moment because: YOU'RE ONLY 4.5 MONTHS POSTPARTUM. Your body went through a huge stress and transformation recently. And it took you nearly 10 months to grow a human, your body needs recovery time. I’m not surprised that...