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    Where to buy cute.. i feel cringe saying this.. “pump covers?”

    @pioneereotcrane Same. 100% 🤣
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    Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

    @huffygal Right or instantly cause bulking. Like damn I wish 😂 Science says the best we can hope for is 1-1.5 pounds of new muscle mass A MONTH and that’s if you’re eating at peak levels to build it.
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    Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

    @whitab I’ve said this a million times before but none of these scans are accurate. All they serve is to make you discouraged and want to quit. Weigh and MEASURE your body with a tape measure. Those will be your most import data points. If measurements go down, fat is being lost.
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    Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

    @shieldofangels I mean.. I’d rather be 5’2 120 and eat 1600 cals than be 6’0 180 and eat 2500. Just saying. My cute clothes wouldn’t look right on a 6 foot frame 🤣
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    Inbody and fat

    @nguyentrongphuoc I feel like I say it dozens of times. These scans are good for bone mass. Not muscle or fat mass. It’s clearly miscalibrated over and above what a waste of money they are. My biometric expensive scale thinks I’m 3% bf. I am not.
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    Eating back too much calories. Tips?

    @irishamerican4christ It sounds like you know what to do, you just need to do it. Eating the right foods (whole and healthy foods) helps stave away hunger and high intensity work does as well. Lately I’m struggling to eat enough but consistently hit my protein without fail. I’m not lifting all...
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    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @irishamerican4christ I doubt you’d be in a deficit with such minimal activity. But the best thing you can do is give it a try for a few weeks. If you gain, then lower the calorie goal. No one here can really give you the answer you need, it’s really trial and error with your body to see what...
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    12 week plan

    @pyckles A friend worked with a dietician and had great results. The only thing I hadn’t been doing was avoiding seed oils (even in crackers). The claim is that they cause bloating and inflammation and have significantly higher omega 6 and 9 vs omega 3 oils. I was like “whatever” but started...
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    Eating back too much calories. Tips?

    @can_belle Exactly. OP has the answers. Just needs to make the right plans and stick to it.
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    12 week plan

    @jace151982 I would be realistic. Using phrases like “best shape of my life” may not happen by October. It may not happen for a year or more. I started at 47. 148 pounds down to 120 lbs in 15 months. I’m still not “the best shape of my life” pre-kids, but I’m getting really close. I’m...
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    Clothes for petite women

    @truelsen Old Navy petite. I live in the ON petite XS leggings!
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    How many fats do I need in a day?

    @myfavoritepa Please ignore the trash influencers who think fat is bad. Every body, height, etc is different and you need enough fat in your diet to be healthy. Fat doesn’t make you fat - overeating calories, regardless of macro, makes you fat. Period.
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    Petites who has successfully lost those last ~5-10lbs, did it make a significant difference in your body?

    @dassahjoy I’ve felt the best at 120 eating at maintenance and lifting. Leaning out much quicker than when in the deficit!! Eat at maintenance and LIFT!
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    I’m so upset…

    @timothy1212 I’ve never used them either.
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @adriana28 Just start tracking again! There’s nothing wrong with it. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It just shows you care about what you’re putting into your body and at what quantity.
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @freds Dr Stacey Sims suggests adding in a little extra carbs for the energy. Her book Roar really covers a lot about the hormone changes we go through and how to combat them and structure our training to accommodate the hormonal changes. Highly recommend. I get a strength dip and bloating...
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    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    @slant Love this!! I did p90x 2x before I had kids and loved how I felt and looked. I started strength training again a little less than 2 years ago and I’ve never felt more MYSELF again! Strong and getting so lean! It is such a game changer. Good for your mind, physique AND your bones!
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    Is it just me or do we get ignored at parties/bars because we’re short? like people can’t see or notice us in the crowd

    @woollybear Yes! I feel so claustrophobic in crowds and can never get a bartenders attention either.
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    Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

    @jesusisking1 Girl, 1 pound is noticeable on me! When I went from 126 to 125 I was like…woah. I lift though so I have a lot of muscle definition hiding 😂 Yes though - it’s significant on us short girls!
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    I'm doing everything right. Why am I not losing fat/weight?

    @mon4thelord How are you tracking your foods/calories? I can attest in my own journey that weighing foods to the gram on a food scale was a game changer. It really is all about calories in and calories out. So if you’re already tracking to the gram, you might need to move more during the day...