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  1. H

    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @amanda911 I also gained about 5kg which affects reps quite a bit too :) E.g. 12x3 pull-ups -> 8x3, 12x3 tuck L-sit dips -> 10x3, pistol squats - 6x2 -> 3x2, 10x3 toes-to-bar - 6x3. 12s floor L-sit to something like 5s. Can no longer do a clean muscle-up, but pretty close — will get that again...
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    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @groo101 Used to be ripped, not anymore —oh well :) Need to work harder then! Thanks :)
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    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @natalijaasbj Never been to Vienna (outside the airport), definitely on my check list — thanks. :)
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    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @natalijaasbj I did quite a bit last year, lots of speaking at IT conferences :) I also travel to US a couple times a year to meet my team mates (I'm a remote software engineer). So great to train in different places of the world and not be constrained by gym membership / whatever. One of the...
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    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @groo101 Ha, thanks. :) Clutch flag is actually pretty easy, more about proper form than strength to be able to do it — takes a bit of time to figure out.
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    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @groo101 Thanks! Aside from stretching, I'm now trying to get used to practicing bodyline drills whenever I get a chance (on off days too) — never did them much before. :) Some of my previous photos:
  7. H

    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @groo101 Had my first long, quality full-body workout after 4.5 months of heckarounditis since becoming a father of twin girls. 2 days later and still very sore, but feeling great. Lost quite a bit of strength, but getting into a routine again and I'm sure I'll be back to previous maxes soon. :)