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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @horsta Monday: Heavy push day - Weighted dips, low-bar triceps extensions. (Add lots of volume to triceps - 10-20 sets) Tuesday: Heavy pull day - Weighted pull ups, bicep focused chin-ups, BW curls on rings. (Add lots of volume to biceps 10-20 sets) Wednesday: Legs. Romanian deadlift...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @shulamite3 About 1hr 15 min per workout. I do lots of sets.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @letstalkbible Monday: Heavy push day - Weighted dips, low-bar triceps extensions. (Add lots of volume to triceps - 10-20 sets) Tuesday: Heavy pull day - Weighted pull ups, bicep focused chin-ups, BW curls on rings. (Add lots of volume to biceps 10-20 sets) Wednesday: Legs. Romanian deadlift...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @napoleon111 Thank you. I suffered from shoulder discomfort prior to starting calisthenics-based training. I was struggling to do 10 regular BW dips in the beginning. I do 90lbsx10 on ring dips now which is more shoulder dominant compared to parallel-bar dips. Calisthenics movements are...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @lddlells If I were to drop down to 10% I would lose ALOT of muscle in the process. I would probably weigh 70kg or even less. I have tried to cut many times and the amount muscle that I lose is just not worth it. 15-20%BF is what I would recommend for natural bodybuilders.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @fuegopentecostes 93 kg may sound like a lot, but I am by no way lean or shredded. Have no health problems whatsoever. Total of 10 years. 7 years weightlifting, 3 years weighted calisthenics.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @ingersoll I were doing dips before but would never prioritze them the same way that I would prioritize my bench. During my last years in the gym I completely avoided dips due to should discomfort. Before the gym lockdowns I achieved - 550lbs x 1 deadlift - 365lbs x 1 bench press - 405x5...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @ingersoll Yes, I was horrible at dips in the beginning due to bad shoulder mobility. But I can easily do 90lbsx10 weighted ring dips now. For lower-body I do: - Romanian deadlifts with 110lbs dumbbells in each hand for hamstrings. - High volume dumbbell squats (20 reps/sets) with 110lbs in...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @mountain_girl406 90lbsx10 on rings and 100lbsx10 on parallel bars.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @slashin8r I can only recommend calisthenics. Once you experience the calisthenics-pump you’ll get hooked.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @derekmc I am also surprised by the arm gains that you can get doing calisthenics, the tri/bicep pumps are insane. Underrated af. The ring extension sounds killer. I will definitely give it a shot.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @lddlells 100% agree. Having a strong deadlift is a nice feat of strength but it serves nothing when it comes to bodybuilding goals.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @betaninja Thank you for your message. Your argument is true. The vast majority of the muscle that I've built over the years has been built during the first 5 years of working out in the gym with barbells, machines etc. However, seeing any muscular progress beyond this point in your training...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @onlyjesus316 I have tried planche, but it's simply just too hard for me. My balance sucks. For core I can recommend the low-bar triceps extensions. (build arms and core at the same time win-win) Nice numbers on the bench and deadlift, keep it up!
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @rakeshdonga Don’t get fooled by the 15% BF. I store more fat in my upper body than my lower body. Haven’t measured my waist in a long time.
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @rakeshdonga 18-inch arms has been a goal of mine for many many years and it killed me when I realized that it would be impossible for me to achieve naturally with a lower BF%. Keep in mind I have been training for more than a decade by now. The natty game sucks unfortunately. The most amount...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @nickbokay In terms of sets and reps it really depends on your experience level/current condition. From my experience, there are certain muscles groups that can handle more volume than others and this will differ depending on the individual. Try working with different amounts of volume per...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @flyinflame14yyt My #1 tip if your goal is to increase muscle mass/strength is to treat calisthenics movements like a bodybuilder. A lot of people do calisthenics because it is fun to learn skills such as barspins, human flag etc. but that should not be your priority if your goal is to build...