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  1. J

    Body recomposition advice?

    @yeleski They should call them Dexa-Scams.
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    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @prestonmcghee Yeah the whole metabolism thing is such a cop out excuse. The metabolic system that took billions of years to evolve into what it is today is a highly tuned chemical process. Nearly every persons metabolism or the rate at which we convert ATP energy into heat is nearly identical...
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    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @prestonmcghee Yup, for the vast majority of people being out of shape/obese, its a choice. Its a choice to eat poorly, its a choice to sit around all day, its a choice not to exercise. Getting older doesnt have to hurt, depressing or stuck. You are the sum of every single choice you make in life.
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    What does your warm up look like?

    @newbeginning1996 I dont do warmups...maybe crack a few joints while throwing my arms and legs around like a mad man on my way to the bench...
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    Anyone here bulking in their late 30's/40's? How did it go?

    @montexss Starting bulking in October 2023 at 39, ive put on 10lbs of muscle. I know its muscle because my BF% hasnt increased.
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @godisworking101 Listen to your body first and foremost. I do full body 3x a week with 4 sets per exercise and more exercises than you. I do my compound lifts and big lifts to failure, everything else is like 90% effort per set. Ive been making great gains so far being a newbie to lifting. Im on...
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    Program tweaks: Any Suggestions please.

    @iqoretyby I dont know what your goals are, you are doing a lot of volume which is good for endurance building. If you are looking for strength id would increase your weights and lower your volume.
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    No weight loss with weight lifting

    @galnaros If you arent losing weight, you arent eating at a deficit.
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    Hit 2 plates and am confused as where to obtain my gym bro membership card, help?

    @sharkbait13 interesting, yeah ive been playing with wide and narrow grips for a few months now trying to figure out the shoulder pain. If I rest for 4-5 days it goes away and if i stay around 155-175lbs i dont have it at all. But then as soon as I start pushing it where I can get like 3-4 reps...
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    Hit 2 plates and am confused as where to obtain my gym bro membership card, help?

    @sharkbait13 Nice, ive stalled right now around 185-195lbs and its driving me nuts. For a while I was adding about 5lbs a month, but I seem to have hit a plateau around 185-195. I did do 2 sets of 3x185lbs on monday but it wrecked my shoulders. Goal is 2 plates by end of summer.