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    Top scoring speed ropes used in CrossFit Open workout 24.2

    @theberlintall Rogue SR-1
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    Top scoring speed ropes used in CrossFit Open workout 24.2

    @theberlintall Yeah, I feel that if you are pretty good at them, any rope you are comfortable with will be best for you. I've had this one for over 10 years, only replacing the cable every few.
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    Top scoring speed ropes used in CrossFit Open workout 24.2

    @ashere For anyone proficient in double unders, 500 in 20 minutes isn't much. I finished with 763 reps and did all my DU's unbroken. For me it felt like the spot I could rest. I used the Rogue SR-1.
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    Sauna Heater

    @scuba7jb r/Sauna
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    What is the realistic highest standard I could get and how to get there?

    @asdfbill75 Are you male or female? Either way you have a long way to go in your strength. How are your wod times? If you don’t have any I would do the open and quarterfinal workouts and see where you would fall. I wouldn’t jump in the deep end with 2 a days just yet. Find a coach and get...
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    Do you think having teams of m/m, f/f, and m/f all compete in the same division fair?

    @stephenb Never heard of that before but with creative programming I could see it working.
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    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @dawn16 Not a big fan of band assisted. I much prefer the leg assist as the band helps you the most at the bottom where you are generally pretty strong and not at all at the top where you are weak. If you have a squat rack and barbell you might be able to do it with the bar at the highes...
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    Anyone doing One Set To Failure?

    @afraidoftheend Take a look at the 531 program. It essentially uses 1 main lift that has some warm up sets, then 1 set to failure then accessories. I've used it off and on for years and it works really well.
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    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @josh88 Lat pull downs are an ok place to start but assisted pull ups and negatives are much better. I have trained lots of people to their first pull up as well as to sets of 15. If the person can’t do one yet I always get them to do 4x4x4. Get a bar that’s about nose level when standing. Use...