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  1. L

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @musicforerunner Thanks for the tips and warm welcome! I managed 20.1 with the scaled weight. Hit the time cap but managed 141 reps (7 rds + 15reps). Happy with that!!!
  2. L

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @musicforerunner I’ve only been doing CrossFit for 5 months and about to attack my first Open! 40 yr old guy, short at only 5 ‘7 and weigh 65kg. For me the lifting is going to be the issue in 20.1. No way I can snatch. Even if I go scaled and clean & jerk I think I’m going to struggle. Any tips?!