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    @seekinganswersinlife Yeah, as a 25-year-old who has only seriously been into fitness for a couple of years, TikTok/Instagram reels are of the devil. So much misinformation, and so many people touting their regimen, diet, workout, etc. as THE ONLY way to get the physique you want. One video will...
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    What can I do when I’m young to keep healthy when I’m older?

    @burialchoice Plus, I've noticed that being more active makes me more likely to just DO A LOT with my days. I'm more likely to do chores, play with my cat, do a workout, and do other little things during the day that are so hard for me if I'm sitting down most of the time. Getting up is always...
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    I had a DEXA scan done! 35F, 5’7”, 176lbs, 30.4% BF

    @jacobkolady I just had a DEXA scan done as well and am at 29% BF. I'm quite a small person (size 4 pants, size s or xs in everything), look very healthy, maintain an active lifestyle, and I never guessed that would be my percentage. Yet I'm super happy with how I look and don't really care to...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @markedbychrist This is so awesome and inspiring - I'm intending to start a family in the next few years and my goal is to ATTEMPT to maintain my fitness, but above all my goal is to accept the changes and be emotionally and mentally resilient about the situation (like you showed here). I do NOT...
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    Struggling to lose weight, 22 y/o female, 131 lbs

    @teriinnevada As a short lady, strength training is the one place where i feel strong, confident, and happy with my body no matter what i look like that day. Would absolutely recommend for anyone who feels frustrated with their body.