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    Gaining weight on a caloric deficit. HELP!

    @activatedalmond As long as you’re consistent! Weigh ins, workouts and poops!
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    Gaining weight on a caloric deficit. HELP!

    @activatedalmond It’s not so much how much you’re drinking it’s what your body is holding onto. Sodium, carbs, inflammation from lifting - there’s loads of stuff going on that can alter how much you’re holding. Give it time, know the math you’re doing with calories and try not to stress too much.
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    Gaining weight on a caloric deficit. HELP!

    @activatedalmond That little fluctuation is almost guaranteed water -
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @brokenjoker Whenever I have a question or problems with nutrition, lifting, programming I can usually find a Renaissance Periodization video that helps me out. Really awesome resource.
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @brokenjoker This video might help.