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    What is the deal with forcing people to wear shoes in the gym?

    @swettbaby6 Hygiene is not a bullshit reason, my guy. You want to risk getting athlete's foot? I hope you're at least wearing socks 😷
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    What's the difference between these two oats from DiSano?

    @returned That's mostly it. A texture difference. Some brands charge way higher for whole, unbroken pieces.
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    What's the difference between these two oats from DiSano?

    @returned The first link has rolled oats, the grains are fatter and more whole, will have more bite and take slightly longer to soften up. The second one has them more broken up. You can compare the pics people have posted for a better idea.
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    Need Advice on way forward

    @mixster90 Hi! I'm glad to see you're taking charge of your health OP. Including some form of resistance training (i.e. training your muscles) will be greatly beneficial for you. It doesn't necessarily have to be a gym, bodyweight exercises at home (pushups, pull-ups etc) will also do, but pick...