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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @volcanoinsurance Creepy? trigger warning: He writes rape porn as well
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    Metabolic Resistance Training + 5/3/1 = overkill?

    @sergeysidorec Yes! Exactly it. You can also look into the Leader/Anchor concept for 531. Basically every few months you greatly reduce the supplementary volume and instead push for a rep PR on the main sets. So the top set you would push for as many reps as you can, take a rest, then maybe do...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @birddseedd I love but also hate that this gets brought up. It's Mark Rippetoe's fantasy rape porn. He hates women. Thank you for posting this, I can't believe there are women out there who support the Starting Strength brand.
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    Metabolic Resistance Training + 5/3/1 = overkill?

    @sergeysidorec You're at risk of burning the candle at both ends. Well, three ends - absolute weight (intensity), volume, and conditioning. If you wish to continue with the hard conditioning you'll have to scale back the supplemental work (the sets after the first 531 sets - the 5x10)...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @judd That's really f-ed up. I feel like he'd always tread the line carefully about POC specifically while still attacking immigrants (legal and undocumented) in general, so it's not surprising to hear that in real life he's much more clear about where he stands. With racists. He stands with...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @alicia0201 It will eventually. The 531 Beginner program is good because it has a slower progression scheme and allows for variation based on your circumstances. So after hitting the main lifts you do the accessory work. If you are swimming a lot you can dial back the accessory work and know...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @alicia0201 The Starting Strength program really sucks though, it does not set up beginners for long-term success. Short term results? Yes, but after that - after hitting the wall doing sets of five - you haven't built a base of strength beyond 5 reps. I wrote this in another thread while ago:
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @josh328 Which is a good programming decision
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho Do you have rather long femurs and a relatively short back? People with that build rarely post their squat videos online because they look awful. 99% of the squat videos, especially the ATG ones, are by people with great dimensions for squatting. Second, stop trying to lose weight and...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @lovefirst not much more to say about it than this, well stated!
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @softspokenlamb If you like, check out the replies to Mark's comment. She has surgery scars on her legs which according to the people of Starting Strength makes her less desirable as a sex slave (absolute WTF??).
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @whirlygirl OMG when you rephrase it like that it makes me sick. But you're right on the mark. ...or "the Mark" I guess.
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @philipe Should. Not like, running forever or spending an hour on the rower everyday. But as a beginner to strength training if someone was a runner already they could dial it back to allow more recovery from the weights during the first few weeks or months. For someone new to fitness starting...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @allan1967 I have been anti-Starting Strength for awhile because the program sucks - why teach beginners to bang their heads against the 5RM wall and not do cardio? It's a bizarre approach to strength training. It was removed from the r/fitness wiki because it's so awful. It is interesting how...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @tarheelfan He also writes rape fantasy porn. Elsewhere in this thread someone posted a link to a YouTube video of a guy reading it - the r/startingstrength mods will ban you if you mention it
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @andysmith He runs the forum these remakes were made on. He's said that it's a private forum so he doesn't have to allow "left coast liberals" and so he deletes their comments. At the same time he allows, for example, a favorable review of Hitler's book and misogynistic and racist comments in...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @privatewoman I didn't think to post it there I guess, I usually browse this sub for fitness stuff. Feel free to cross post.
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @y2pjwk LOL whot? For more medical advice, check out the COVID thread I linked to - Rippetoe actually prescribes people ivermectin and whatever that other one was that right-wingers were totally sure would cure covid. Vaccines? No way, can't trust those drug companies. But we can sure trust the...
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    Sorry for being way off topic from the usual here, but I feel a prominent member of the strength training community, a person who works with woman and youth very often, has crossed a line. Here is Mark Rippetoe clearly stating that a woman reporter should be turned into a sex slave...