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  1. 3

    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @kmar123 If you enjoy going then continue on. Some people don’t enjoy working out and sweating. You found a hobby and enjoy it. I use to get a lot of shit when I first started working out especially from family members. I brushed it off and now they ask me for tips or weights lol.
  2. 3

    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @bigsy Same! I still get shit for eating “healthy”. Sorry I don’t like eating fast food, it’s expensive.
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    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @kmar123 I think they’re projecting their own issues. You don’t need to explain to them when and why you should go to the gym. It’s your own personal health and lifestyle. You shouldn’t be embarrassed at all.