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    R.A.D. R1

    @kennybest I purchased the R-1 about 3 months ago. I will say they don’t have the same springiness as my Pegasus. In short distances they aren’t that great, but they hold up well in long distance runs like 2-3 miles or more. I’d consider another pair, but I’ll most likely be buying another pair...
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    Anyone else tired of C&K’s spammy emails now a days...

    @jnnp I definitely do kinda agree, on that, they haven’t really put out anything phenomenal in quite some time. But today’s email took the cake...
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    A message about scaling. I’m sharing this with my clients tomorrow, and I figured I’d post it here first

    @expressforsuccess If you think about every other training modality, you’re not performing at maximum effort every single training session. Look at 5/3/1, a basic strength program, you’re training numbers are based on 90% of 90% of your 1RM. Stop training with ego and train smart. Not every day...
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    Anyone else tired of C&K’s spammy emails now a days...

    Now before anyone makes a comment sure, I could just unsubscribe, but I like to see what upcoming releases they have in regards to new products. But today’s email takes the cake. The email had nothing to do with weightlifting, Crossfit, or the culture. Just some random dude talking about coffee...
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    CF boxes on the west coast

    @ofbrysonmen If you’re only planning on staying in within the vicinity of San Francisco: I’d checkout Flagship or CrossFit Soma. If you’re able to leave the immediate area: NorCal CrossFit, CSA CrossFit, CrossFit One World, CrossFit Oakland, CrossFit Santa Cruz Honorable Mentions: Max’s Gym...
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    How to CrossFit train w/o going to a box?

    @jackline Start with main site programming. It’s free. If you want more check out CrossFit linchpin, they have a free 30 trial to their online program. If you want even more, you really need to see what works best for you based on your wants, goals, and needs. I’ve heard great things about...
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    Protein Intake - Review of Positions & Studies

    @jrbert91 He must have been a vegan