Search results

  1. Q

    F/25/5'8" 161 lbs to 134 in a little over 3 months

    @newstart2012 I said it before (on your OG post) and I'll say it again, great job, OP!
  2. Q

    Bodyfat Analysis COMPARISON: FEMALE - 26/27 years old - 5'5 / 5'6 - From 156 to 137. Figure Competition Edition!

    @katzby23 Impressive, OP! You look so strong and cut, you're gonna do so well at your show!!
  3. Q

    Anyone here ever had to change their “fitness identity”?

    @anton0003 Yup. I played a lot of ultimate frisbee, but have been feeling a lot of disconnect with the community lately. I still enjoy the sport when playing casually, but don't really feel the urge to get back into competitive. I'd love to get back into it, but meh. Nowadays, I'm not really...
  4. Q

    Blessed to be alive and strong
