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  1. W

    Got up to 9 pull ups this morning

    @worthless1976 That's so awesome! Well done!!! Still working on one here. I have to get a bar for home instead of relying on the gym (which have all been shut here again damn).
  2. W

    What’s your optimal workout time(s) and what time do you actually do it?

    @hungry_hungry_hippo I strongly prefer early mornings (as in 5 or 6am). I work with a trainer, and the earliest sessions they will do are 6am. So for me 6am most weekdays - sometimes I ride my bike there and back, which means I leave here about 5amish. Lately I've had to do some afternoon...
  3. W

    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @twinmama Awesome post! Thankyou!