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    any success stories with going from very skinny to bigger/stronger?

    @cwngfd Definitely. Here's me (5'10") in the same shirt, when I started out super depressed weighing 165 pounds deadlifting less than 100, and here's me less super depressed 3+ years later weighing 245 and deadlifting pretty close to 400. Lifting hard + eating everything and taking advantage of...
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    How 6 months of rock climbing has changed my body

    @toni123 You're not measuring so you don't actually know how many calories you're eating. Since you've gained weight and strength, and don't mention being hungry all the time, you're almost certainly eating enough.
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    Newbie question: why does 'to failure' feel different for different muscles?

    @anon103 High rep squats are so bad for this, do 15 reps, feel like it's impossible to do another, take some deep breaths and do 20 more reps before reaching muscular failure, and possibly having a spiritual experience after rep 30.
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho Then lean forward.
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    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy Super squats. It's linear periodization but you can start a little light and take more breaths to make your reps later on the program. Basically built around the breathing squat- taking 3 huge breaths between each rep, which lets your legs recover between reps. You use that rest to...
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    My fitness goal: be able carry my 130 lbs partner from the couch to the bed without waking her up. How to achieve?

    @volinfl It can be pretty cheap too. I bought an army surplus canvas duffel bag a decade ago for my sandbag, drum liners and duct tape for the sand. I've used 110 pounds in it and it seems like it would hold 220 if the sand was packed tightly. I repackaged my sand to be intentionally loose and...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @trinity50 I have found the same thing and wish I switched sooner. Not only because I grow like crazy, but I'm stronger too- stomping my old e1rm for a ton of reps. I bet you'll be hitting your old strength weights for a bunch of reps pretty quickly when you start squatting again. As well as...
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    How does your hamstring strength compare to your quads (e.g. leg curl vs leg extension)?

    @alxspntral I'll 2nd the RDL recommendation. They've not only made me stronger, over the years I went from straining to touch my toes to putting my palms flat on the floor with my knees locked and elbows slightly bent. No stretching has ever given me such improvement. As my RDLs get heavier...
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    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    @brokenjohninchrist You don't have big thigh gains because you only squat 55lb. I built my legs doing squats and basic compound movements, and gaining lots of weight. Basically no accessories, though that will be program specific, I've never run gzcl so don't know anything about modifying it. I...
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    The case for more stretching

    @dawn16 Could be a difference in type of stretching, OPs post and research is about static, relaxed stretching, while every splits routine I've seen is based around active stretching + static stretching. Or just active and no static stretches.
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    My completely subjective experience with, and advice for, starting a strength training program (as an absolute beginner)

    @lifeunlocked This is probably the best description/cue I've heard for this. Also hilarious and relatable! Your whole post it great and I think you've really hit it spot on. The only thing I disagree with, and this doesn't mean you're wrong it's just a personal preference, is that I never...
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    deadlift/squat form and anatomy

    @deepblues36 Without seeing a form video (so just a wild guess), my suggestion is to try getting over the bar more for deadlifting and not worry about your shins, and see how it feels.
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    [Meet Report] IPF | Western Canadian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships | 84kg open | F | 430kg (948lb) | 398.63 Dots

    @worshiper1994 Woohoo! Been waiting on this, awesome lifts! Bummer that you ended up limited by fatigue, but hey, maybe next weeks comp will let you tap into the rest of it! Or nationals! Also the first bench vid is a link to the last squat
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    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @staywithme That's a pretty spot on description. His example daily diet in the book has a dozen eggs and 5 pounds of beef.
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    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @newchat101 I don't have an answer but I do think about it a lot as it seems like SO MUCH of the higher level training books written by men does this stuff. Sometimes it's common stuff (don't be a p****y!) but in the 5/3/1 print book Wendler talks about north of vag/south of vag and like WTF?! I...