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  1. K

    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    @blondie977 None of these exercises have good SFR. When you lean over for anything, you use erectors via isometric work. If you want to eliminate spinae erector involvement, just do seated cable-rows or dumbbell rows. Because you want to train your lats, not your erectors.
  2. K

    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @jpeltier17 No, because the back has more muscles than just the lat and that's not a full back day LOL
  3. K

    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    @blondie977 You don't have to do a chest-supported row. If you do a cable row, you won't need to bend over because gravity is no longer a factor -- cables provide tension throughout the entire range of motion. You're also seated which provides further stability.
  4. K

    What are your favorite types of sets?

    @firebird8080 No they're not