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    My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me

    @trumpeter2 Beginners have less volume tolerance...
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    My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me

    @kent1956 What the fuck. How do you survive a 50 set session?
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    M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

    @christianwriter87 You need to eat more. Go on a dedicated bulk phase. And don't stop until you're like 200lbs.
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    Anyone doing the programming from renaissance periodization?

    @jazzper You can probably find their pdf template online, somewhere. But basically you start at RPE 7, and week by week you add a little load or increase RPE, until you hit failure, basically, then you deload, rinse and repeat. As for sets, they have a rating system whereby you increase sets...
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @paulsimmonds60 While I agree in principle, I tend to be very glute/hip dominant, and get a decent glute pump and soreness from a set of RDLs or a few sets of hacks/leg press But yeah, have been considering adding some strength work like sets of 3 on conventional deadlift
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    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    @kaieraai Do calves before you hit your upper body. Won't impact your upper body, and you won't be fatigued from like when you hit them at the end of legs
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @paulsimmonds60 I recently just dropped all direct glute work because I don't care for my ass getting any bigger. They're gigantic, but weak.
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @paulsimmonds60 Yup. I also have long legs and weak (albeit fat) glutes, so hacks and leg presses let me really focus on using my legs and not my hips
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville Similar to yours actually. In no particular order incline smith pec deck barbell skullcrusher pendlay Row pull ups lat prayer face pulls RDL Squats (with elevated heels on a block)
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    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    @alexander5106954665 Ideally add 1 rep to all sets. Otherwise add 1 to the first set.
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    So systemic MRV isn’t real, same with local MRV?

    @cybernetic Local MRV is definitely real. And I disagree with Menno, systemic MRV is also definitely real
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    Any advice on lean bulking for a 5’6” 121 pounder?

    @spiritualfriend You should worry about packing on muscle, not packing on fat, at your stage. 0.5/lb a week is fine. Do that for like 2 years
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @flelsfdc Doesn't use as much glutes, nor do I need to worry about stability, and it's easier for me to use my quads and not hips
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    hey can someone review this new and improved workout? Chat gpt says its good lol

    @benzohar So like, fo4 example, for push, day 1 could be overhead extensions, and day 4 would be pushdown. Similarly for day 2 and 5, choose hammer curl for 1, and db curl for the other. Same as legs, do your hamstring hip Hinge on day, and leg curl on the other
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @jayaraj I haven't squatted in about a year, and my legs are the biggest and strongest they've ever been. Hacksquats and leg press done properly are awesome for quads
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    hey can someone review this new and improved workout? Chat gpt says its good lol

    @benzohar On your pull and push days, there's no point having 2 tricep, and 2 bicep exercises, choose one for each day. Also for push, I'd make one a shoulder/arms focused day, and the other chest focused, I'd also reduce leg volume, and split the workout over the 2 days.
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    Help Interpreting Bloodwork (Testosterone) - 17M with absurd numbers

    @warriordocjensen I've heard that too. And I've finally been getting hold of my sleep apnea. And for the past week before the test and I'd had the best sleep in my life. Still concerning, definitely keen to get myself retested.
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    Best split to train 3 times a week where the training sessions are one after the other?

    @brklynflp PPL is fine for 3 consecutive days, but you might want elemenets of a full body routine. So you could add biceps to Push, triceps to Pull, and shoulders to legs - and you could probably hit calves everyday, or every other day
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    UPDATE: I’m having almost no luck building muscle. VIDEOS ADDED

    @mikeintrouble Yeah, I thought the same, on his second last rep I thought "okay, probably has like 5 more in the tank... oh, he failed?"
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    Help Interpreting Bloodwork (Testosterone) - 17M with absurd numbers

    @warriordocjensen What time of day did you get your blood taken? I got mine at 11am, which, as I've researched, might be why it's low. Also, similar story haha, used to be obese too, was about 200lbs at my peak, and def have some gyno too.