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  1. B

    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    @sploosh Surprisingly, I’ve never had more energy. I do get a decent amount of sleep (8-10 hours).
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    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    @bryanclendenning I’d die for my walking pad!!!! I’m so glad to hear you had success. I may try to implement some calorie cycling to give me flexibility on days with social events, etc. thank you!!
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    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    @thinkgodly It’s soooo painfully slow. It almost makes it difficult to discern if you’re really making any progress in a time period that is less than 4-6 weeks…I’m probably going to bump to a range of 1600/1700-1800/1900 in the coming days to see what happens…
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    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    @tobyp My sleep has consistently been good - i get 8 hours, at a minimum, but usually closer to 9-10. I’ll get a measurement of my lean body mass in a month, so I’ll know then! Thats why i was considering trailing this calorie intake level for a month to see what happens.
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    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    @four_twenty_nine Thank you for your honesty! You’re probably right. I may shift to move closer to 1700-1900.
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    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    @tylerofcodex I think I may do something similar. Perhaps shift to 1700-1900.
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    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    @onmymotherearthilean Thank you! I’ll give this a go for a while to just see what happens…I feel physically satiated by the end of the night, but mentally, I could always eat (lol). I wake up with minor hunger in the morning, which has actually been kind of nice. Will update you folks!
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    Is 1,500 too much for me?

    I (26F, 5’0 on a good day, SW: 178, CW: ~120, GW:112) am desperately trying to shed these last few lbs, but having trouble finding a caloric deficit that is reasonable for my activity level and physique goals. I’ll preface this that I am trying to be less focused on my scale weight, and moreso...