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    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @kgotlaor Pokémon Go was so fun when it first came out! I wonder what happened
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    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @dawn16 Sounds interesting and would be relatable for me, I can relate with the equipment/gym excuse too. I appreciate the recommendation!
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    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @freeinchrist87 Lol I felt the same about Arrow on CW 😂
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    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @coffeecor Not weird at all to me, the Green brothers’ work is great to me! I had no idea he did something like that, I’ll definitely check it out. Thank you for putting my attention to that, especially since mental health is still so underrated in lots of journeys
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    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    I find that the “fear” factor that some productions have can help scare me enough into making healthier choices. It’s not ideal, but I need something to help kick me into gear after hitting a plateau with my health journey lately. I think visual aids could help. Some examples from me would be...