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    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @lorial Think of it this way. Women excel in academics these days and are far better at getting and maintaining both personal and professional relationships than men. Should men hate themselves for not being on average similarly successful? I’m sure when you manage to see a similar problem...
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    Getting super fatigued after personal training?

    @countrygurl32 I'm not working out nearly as much as you but I have the same issue on my PT day. It exhausts me; I'll fall asleep on the couch if I sit down. I am also almost 60 so I figured it was my age. I try to relax the rest of that day and go to bed early, I'm really a busy person so I...
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    80g/day of protein on average?

    @flyingforjesus I mean sounds like you got your own method down, but I'd still advise upping your protein intake much more, esp for your height and body weight. Your body burns more calories through thermo-genesis if you eat more protein. Meaning along with your workouts and daily activity, your...
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme Yes, you burn more calories than you consume but that’s easier said than done.
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    SUPER High Maintenance Calories

    @brothermaurice So you’re telling me your maintenance is 4500 kcal, so you must lean bulk on around 5000 kcal, when you lift 4x a week? Utter nonsense. For reference I lift 6x a week and bulk at 4000 kcal, at 90kg. You’ve went from 1900 to 4500 kcal in the space of 3 months? You couldn’t...
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    Strong Curves book promotes a woman who's 5'8 and 115 lbs as clients' "ideal" body. Is the weight estimate just off?

    @susan123elaine i always dock years and lbs of when it comes up in conversation
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    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @staxx I go to local kids playgrounds. I can usually find monkey bars or other variations that will work for a pullup.
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    For those of you meal prepping and sick of having rice as your carb base, try farro (170 calories, 5 g fiber, 7 g protein)

    @1stbrownhorse I love Farro in my salads… I make a big pot, it can sit in my fridge for a week, I sprinkle it in salads… omg, yummy!! 👍🏻. Also have you tried buckwheat??? Super yummy too!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @jg_lrd Just as a friendly note, Zone 5 is the danger zone for most runners. It is generally recommended to avoid it altogether. Zone 1 is warm up, Zone 2 is heart healthy, Zone 3 is fat burning, Zone 4 is carb burning, Zone 5 is burn out. As you build your cardio endurance, it will get harder...
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    💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?

    @bornoptimist Don't worry about how often, maybe the consistency. If you're worried speak to a doctor, but it doesn't sound like you have a problem.
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    Advice ??

    @rufflychux This may help:
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    Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

    @jesusisking1 I think we put in muscle quicker too!
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    [Push Pull Leg x 4 a week?] More Gains? or More Harm?

    @primsroses While machines are useful at times, if I were you I’d probably focus on PPL 2x / week and have heavy barbell/dumbbell compound exercises as the primary focus. You also give more rest time to Pull by nature of your (legible to me) timetable. It potentially could work, but you’d have...
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    Sunday Show Off - Your home for some progress-acceptance!

    @michaelphemo Thanks, it means a lot coming from you, you inspired me big time!
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @timex4g0d Check out Knee Over Toes Guy on YouTube. It’s a game changer.
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    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @markvs I had this happen when I signed up for a new gym about 6 years ago. It came with a free personal training session and the trainer kept texting me and it started off innocent asking me about my body goals. Then he kept pushing. He had a girlfriend... I just stopped replying and would...
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    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @andy0 Keep pressing with doubles. Occasionally throw some singles in there as well! Any program will get you there just gotta think strength as a skill. So practice often.
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    Realistic expectation for boob loss?

    @americangirl54 Probably no more than 2 cup sizes.
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 How old? Er.. Young?