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  1. C

    Just joined a CF gym and I’m confused

    @zou52022 Yep, there won't be isolation moves for those, but arms get used all the time. Gymnastics tend to work arms and chest for example. Box jumps work your calves etc But no, you won't be doing calf raises and bicep curls
  2. C

    Cardio gains w/o running. I hate to ask the question that’s asked every day but I hope my added wrinkle makes it unique

    @smiddy10 Newbie question but are you aiming to stay in zone 2 (70-80% of max HR) to build endurance Vs higher intensity training ? How would you mix the both?
  3. C

    Disappointed with my 24.1 result

    @nineteenkilo Yep, same here. I found the DBs heavy. I'm good at Burpees but for me this was not a Burpee workout
  4. C

    Initial 24.3 percentages BTWB (and percentages to shoot for, for quarterfinals)

    @jeromecoates Thank you! I'm on tomorrow morning
  5. C

    Initial 24.3 percentages BTWB (and percentages to shoot for, for quarterfinals)

    @jeromecoates You and I are about the same size so thanks for sharing! I also am apprehensive about the heavy thrusters. Did you do them as singles or did you manage to string them together? How did you break up the sets of ten? Well done!
  6. C

    Nick Mathew’s shirt…

    @swaninthewilderness That's why he underperformed