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  1. N

    Squat form check please

    @tsmiles I am always hesitant to comment on form when the lifter is fatigued (last set) and the weight is too heavy (only got 4) but you looked good for a 5th rep -- why'd you quit? You are taking way too wide of a grip on the bar, but I didn't see anything else that was a major issue. Just keep...
  2. N

    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @jellybug78 Here is a handy table for rep ranges for a given % of a TRUE 1RM (not a training max.) I had no luck whatsoever following 5/3/1, and I do not think that 3 sets per lift per month working in these optimal rep ranges (note that none of the warmup sets come anywhere close to this...
  3. N

    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @timhieuvetrello Well, as some one who lifts at meets, it is important to me to know what my actual 1RMs are (at least for squat / bench / deadlift.) If I were able to increase "rep maxes" (which I was, because I never bothered with more than 5 reps for main lifts before 5/3/1) but not able...
  4. N

    Program Critique (x/post to weightroom)

    @davidivad You are too new and weak to be fumbling your way around. Doing 'Kroc rows' with a 35 lb dumbbell is completely ridiculous and shows that you have no idea what you are doing. Pick an established program and run it.
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @timhieuvetrello What is the blue "rep max" line? Is that an actual tested 1RM, is it a calculated 1RM based on something like "I hit 7 reps at 345, so...", or is it just the actual weight lifted for a certain number of reps, etc.? The fact that it goes up over cycles leads me to believe it...
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @timhieuvetrello I swear to god I am actually a pretty smart guy, but I absolutely can not follow what you are saying here. How are you using the "rep maxes"? Are you using then to predict 1RM and then saying that since the predicted 1RM exceeds the tested 1RM that's evidence of a strength...
  7. N

    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @timhieuvetrello Wait, what? Let's say you have built your squat up to a tested 1RM of 405 using some kind of linear progression, conjugate method, dumb luck, etc. You then go on 5/3/1 and set your training max for the squat to 365 (90% of 405.) It would take somewhere between 4 months...