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  1. K

    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 It's going to depend on the resistance curve of the exercise. You are most likely going to fail on the hardest part, so for some exercises you might just "stop".
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    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    @asperd I disagree with the influencer. The way the lats are attached to the humerus, if you internally rotate the shoulder that actually allows the lower fibers to pull in a straighter line and exert more force. The narrow handle also allows more activation of the stretch reflex in the lats...
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @pathofwarriors I didn't mean to imply you would blame the program, That is why I put (really, one). My context is coaching people and also giving solicited but non paid advice (not on forums, but friends etc) . In fact, for whatever reason, I currently see it with Ketogenic diets the most...
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    Is this guy legit or is this just misinformation? Afraid I'm not training properly

    @erniedavid He created a Strawman. The Strawman in this case, is "the only muscle growth is from the proliferation of nuclei". Which isn't true. If you look at the study he cites (6 weeks/high volume), what is shown is that both myofibrillar AND sarcoplasmic hypertrophy occur. The...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @helen2002 It is hard to judge RIR. I don't think there is much need to. I just look at it as "keep one in the tank". We likely agree that the "RIR" has gotten out of hand as a "thing". I don't know anyone that trains looking for 5 RIR intentionally on a working set. It reminds me of...
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @pathofwarriors I agree that if you are doing someone's program, just go ahead and do it, at least the first time. TBH, little things don't make that much of a difference in ones program, but if you start cutting things out etc, then you aren't doing that program, and if it doesn't work, you...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @helen2002 I agree, you can set "failure" or "close to failure" in different ways. As you say, MANY of the "failure" protocols in fact are not to "failure" (cannot perform the last rep you try)-some are loss of velocity, some are "form breakdown", and some are "would miss the next rep"...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @helen2002 Thanks for linking that. I think you are conflating "close to failure" with "failure". Big difference. There is also the context of "training to failure" or "intensity as the primary determinant of hypertrophy". I know about that study. Respectfully, it doesn't say what you are...
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    Seriously stubborn and weak chest

    @polarbearwear If you've done the norm (progressive overload on basic exercises) and you have a weak body part, especially torso, it usually means one or more things: High percentage of ST muscle fibers Weak "Nerve force" or what is essentially coordination-the muscle doesn't fire well. Small...
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    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    @blondie977 Why don't you just do 1 Arm DB rows, pulling the DB to the hip? If for some reason this isn't an option, the most lower back friendly lower lat row in the family you described would be: Yates Rows. Standing at about 45 degrees, using a close reverse grip and pulling into your hip...
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    My results from a low volume and frequency program (with measurements)

    @angelica009 The main thing is you were consistent and successful. I'm always and have always been looking for the "whys" in a complicated endeavor that really is more art than science. Your shoulder results are GREAT as are your arm results. Something I noticed when I was doing HIT. My arms...
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    My results from a low volume and frequency program (with measurements)

    @angelica009 First, I always believe that what works, works. Pretty simple. I also think everyone should try something they are interested in. I am not a fan of 1 set to failure programs in general. I do like the fact that you are doing multiple exercises per muscle group. I was a...
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    When you train, how do you prevent your hands from cramping up?

    @themartinfamily Hydration? Next would be electrolytes, but it is almost always hydration.
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @robrandazzo Don't think about this stuff too much. I don't think your volume is low. 5-10 sessions per muscle, 2x week is not really low. I would say this: IF you are able to do what you are doing (training all out) for 4-6 sets a BP 2x week consistently (not: "on 2 weeks off 4 weeks")...
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    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @horation Erectors are isometrically contracting in both situations. High bar squat, compared to same angle but lower-the torque is higher as the lever length is longer, all other things being equal Low bar squat, compared to lower angle-the torque is greater, as the lever length is longer...