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  1. D

    How to keep motivated to workout daily when stuck in the 9-5 corporate cycle?

    @abnerpublishing 1) You don’t have to go every day. 2) Assuming you are referring to the gym, each session doesn’t need to be the gym - you could do something else active you find more fun and relaxing. 3) It’s important to stay active so if your job is sedentary, going to the gym and even just...
  2. D

    When I gain muscle, I gain fat, and when I lose fat, I lose muscle. This is BS

    @silas0307 To add to what other people are saying, just eat more protein IN COMPARISON to other macros. Or just eat less honestly. You are probably just eating too much for how much you are exercising and being active (NEAT). Also, if you notice your title versus your post content, it seems...