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  1. D

    Former Athlete Current Couch Potato Beginning Again Question

    @warmdrinkscolddays This is really good advice. Thank you!
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    Former Athlete Current Couch Potato Beginning Again Question

    @catieb I think so too. I’m not the biggest cardio fan, but I do like brisk walks which I think can count pre-workout as some cardio. :)
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    Former Athlete Current Couch Potato Beginning Again Question

    @mrmark That’s what I’m thinking too. I’ll make sure to keep drinking water and do less intense exercise more frequently to build up. Thank you!
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    Former Athlete Current Couch Potato Beginning Again Question

    I’m your classic story of a childhood athlete succumbing to a couch potato lifestyle due to x,y,z reasons. I won’t bore you with the story. I just have one question about getting back into the “grind”. I’m following an online workout routine and today was a legs workout. Lots of squats, lunges...