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  1. B

    Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit

    @bronsontaur This is true, to a degree. Probability is most people eat way more protein than they need. Broscience is strong with the 1g/lbs of bodyweight bullshit, but reality is around .4-.6g/lbs. Some studies even suggest lower than that amount but ive personally tried .4 and found it wasnt...
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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @reneaz Im 25, and i learnt how to google before being a teen. Wild isnt it. Bye loner.
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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @reneaz Oh yeah im toxic macho me, just because i know how to google things 🤷‍♂️ got me there. Bye loner xoxo.
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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @reneaz I am a happy emo yes. Sorry youre too thick to find out about protein on your own. Bye loner.
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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @reneaz Way to go off. Im happy with my life. Im doing therapy. Im thriving on a vegan diet. Im living my best life. Its you who cant google something very basic. Or even search a subreddit. Bye loner.
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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @reneaz Ayyy, its the daily post of “where get protein?”! 120g of protein is easy if you do 5 minutes looking online…