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  1. S

    I’m gaining weight even though I’ve reduced my calorie intake 😭

    @nimitztrail Yeah, my reverse added 1inch to my waist but it’s a small price for improving my metabolic system. I’m definitely going to rely on measurements and only weigh sporadically as I was previously
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    I’m gaining weight even though I’ve reduced my calorie intake 😭

    @williamis Yeah, that makes sense! I think for now, I’ll consistently weigh myself in the mornings so that I can get a visual on how my weight naturally fluctuates and then move onto casual weigh ins when I feel like it. I’ll make taking measurements my main source of tracking progress as it’s...
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    I’m gaining weight even though I’ve reduced my calorie intake 😭

    @jas35 Yes, the previous weigh ins were normally done when I first woke up after using the bathroom. TMI: I’ve been having trouble having consistent bowel movements recently, so it’s been difficult to know when I should weigh myself. That’s why I weighed at dinner. Thank you for your help!
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    I’m gaining weight even though I’ve reduced my calorie intake 😭

    @creator123 TMI: I’ve been having trouble having consistent bowel movements so it’s been tricky weighing myself in the mornings. I don’t weigh myself often so it was a spontaneous check in. But now it makes sense that I’d be heavier after eating. Thank you!
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    I’m gaining weight even though I’ve reduced my calorie intake 😭

    Hi, I’ve been slowly gaining scale weight over the past few months and I’m beginning to feel discouraged. Context: I’m a 21 year old Female. 5ft3in and my forms of exercise is weightlifting and L.I.S.S style cardio 2-3 times a week. I eat at least 100g of protein per day. So, I’ve recently...
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    Where do I go from here?

    @lexmark Wow! Sounds like you’re on a sustainable path and I might join you tbh. Definitely won’t be dropping my cals anymore even if I plateau again since my bmr is estimated to be around 1360. I think I’ll increase to 1500 these next few weeks and see how my body responds in terms of weight...
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    Where do I go from here?

    @lexmark Love that for you! So do you think I should carry on how I am at the moment? 1400 works for me and isn’t difficult for me to maintain but my body hasn’t been responding to it since December 15th when I hit my lowest of 137lbs. I lost this weight by going to the gym to weight lift only...
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    Where do I go from here?

    @lexmark Ooh, makes sense! I’ll be honest that I’m scared of gaining weight but at this point I’m more scared of having to eat like a mouse for the rest of my life 😂 I’ve seen this work for so many of the shorties on this sub and I’m just hoping that it works for me too. I tried this briefly...
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    Where do I go from here?

    Hello! I’ve made a couple of posts on here if you want more context and pictures. 23 years old, 5’3”, sw: 148lbs, cw: 138, gw: 130 I’ve gone from 148lbs to 137lbs between August and November 2023 by eating 1400cals p/d and eating at least 100g protein p/d with 8-10k steps and 1-3 days lifting...