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  1. S

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @paparazi257 Can someone please check what is going on with my right side (in the picture seen from front, i reality left arm side). The chest is smaller, shoulder "pops" more and the triceps head is larger. The chdst and triceps look way more normal on my other side.. Pictures:
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @commando95 Alright. Sounds like a good approach!
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @commando95 Congratulations to the 2nd place! You look awesome! Holy shit, loosing 1kg per week is a 1000 calories daily deficit. Impressive what you can accomplish with the right mind set! For the training part, are you usually keeping weekly sets the same or are you utilizing the...