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  1. G

    Advice for Weightloss

    @fibo777 Yeah, you certainly don't need to, and shouldn't take any supplements for the purpose of weight loss. As commented before, you need to weigh your food and log it, so that you know (accurately) how many calories you're consuming. With the information you can start eating in a caloric...
  2. G

    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @suellasuzan We all got that homeschooled kid immune system now, haha.
  3. G

    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @grace_mercy 36, and aside from this damn cold I have, I've felt better year after year that I've been working on my health. You should go get your blood work checked out and speak to a doctor.
  4. G

    How do you keep motivated?

    @dc87 Preach!
  5. G

    How do you keep motivated?

    @rhettryder I spent almost 30 years being either overweight or morbidly obese. Every single facet of my life improved when I took control of my health. At this point I would literally die trying to stay fit before allowing myself to fall back into that life. My motivation was chiseled into me...