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  1. C

    Squatting AtG is not necessarily better than parallel

    @roger5599 I’ve been explicitly told by several professionals to forget about going deep, because I can’t keep my spine in the correct position when I do. So yeah, I think squat depth is very individual. Having said that, though, I could definitely work on my hip flexors, and maybe gain a bit...
  2. C

    My completely subjective experience with, and advice for, starting a strength training program (as an absolute beginner)

    @lifeunlocked Yeah, don’t worry, it did come through, I just find it kind of hilarious it took me that long. I’ve got a hypermobile back, and in the end, the thing that enabled me to keep my back in the correct position was keeping my feet really close to each other. I still can’t squat to save...
  3. C

    My completely subjective experience with, and advice for, starting a strength training program (as an absolute beginner)

    @lifeunlocked Lol, two weeks? It took me the best part of a year to figure out how to make deadlifts work for my body 😅 Well done on your weight loss and fitness journey!
  4. C

    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @twinmama Thank you so much! I’ve done so many negatives but never realised that I should try to hold on for 30 seconds - really looking forward to trying that out in the gym.
  5. C

    deadlift/squat form and anatomy

    @deepblues36 I have struggled with exactly the same issues as you, so I’ll tell you how they were resolved for me. However, this is obviously my own experience only and I’m not a professional, so please be careful if you decide to try this out. Deadlifts: Once I started standing with my feet...