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  1. E

    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 On chest supported rear delt row done with dumbells on an incline bench should the dumbells touch my shoulders? Thanks for doings this AMA, that's all from me, hope you get well fast!
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    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 Exercise specific one - doing partials on overhead tricep extensions or cable bicep curl seems pretty much impossible, once you're done you're done, what to do when you still want to hit that partials, should you lower the weight? Would drop set be a good idea in case of exercises...
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    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 How do I know if I'm overly concerned with technique over progression? Have this issue with RDL's, reduced the weight by 50% and I'm still not satisfied with it. I do record myself.
  4. E

    7 months into lifting, feeling like I'm not doing good enough.

    @cleannie Maingaining is a lie, you need to bulk. I even drank olive oil in glass shots just to hit 4000 kcal, ended up at 107 kg (~20% bodyfat) from 66kg in a few years, now doing my first cut. 140kg bench, 200 deadlift, 160 squat, but i mostly do hypertrophy training.
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    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @catholicmagus I would try sticking to just getting the data, creating the habit of tracking everything I eat regardless of if i follow the diet or not. Once you have that habit it's way easier.