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  1. T

    Working out, work, and life balance

    @ilovemyfather There was a point in time where I attempted to do morning workouts, but I just couldn't manage it. I also felt totally zonked out afterwards. As a result I made a habit of doing my workouts at lunch, after work, or combination of both. Now that I'm more dialed into my routine...
  2. T

    DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

    @marwils There is always going to be a margin on any body fat measuring machine, but I don't really think the DEXA scan is being grossly inaccurate here. I think people really underestimate what it means to be skinny-fat. For one thing you're pretty tall, and taller women can typically "get...
  3. T

    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    @mdhess It depends. If something comes up, I'll try to swap my workout day with a rest day. (Ex. If something comes up on Friday when I'd normally workout, I'll try to do that workout on Sat or Sun instead.) However, if skipping the workout is completely unavoidable, I'll just take the ego hit...