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  1. M

    Exercise advice, I’m always exhausted

    @thedarkfigure As most people not about bulking, the carbs suck. It’s because on a normal diet you eat between 100-200, sometimes maybe 250-300. on a good bulk you’re eating 400+ carbs a day, and it’s HARD. but the energy gains aren’t even comparable. like training with caffeine vs without.
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Try this, put one hand on your chest, then try to flex it. Then try and move your arm (the side you’re flexing) back, and play around with that angle of your elbow in the stretched position to see what feels like it’s “stretching” your chest the most, make sure to keep your...
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    Exercise advice, I’m always exhausted

    @thedarkfigure I think thats your issue. Carnivore diet is not very good for weightlifting as carbohydrates are our main source of energy as humans. You would preferably have near 50% of your calories coming from carbs, unless on a restricted diet to lose weight. What you eat before your workout...
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    [M/36/1.8m] How long until I start seeing results from my bulking?

    @faithfulfindings you totally look bigger dude, just do measurements for more accurate readings. i can easily see your back is more defined
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @twhladyinlv Oh i for sure agree with you. Non all pumps are good, but a pump is usually a good sign. I could get a chest pump chest from flexing really hard, doesn't mean I grew at all. However, can you really say you just did a great set of ___ press if you don't even feel a chest pump? It...
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @onetruefreedom if u never get a pump that excercise is probably not good for you, or your form is off.
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    Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

    @dancibutterfly Weigh yourself every morning or at least multiple times a week, track your calories ACCURATELY. Wait two weeks.
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    Almost no muscle gain in 3 years of lifting

    @justinebassowooa eat more calories and protein and stop taking every set to failure
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @knowledgeisnotignorant here is what i’ve learned about different excercises since everybody is different. do you enjoy it? can you progressively overload it? does it give you a good pump? does it give you a good range of motion? if the answer is yes to those questions, it will be good for...
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @pathofwarriors I do BB curls before rope curls personally, the same for cable OHE and pushdown. other than that it looks good. also quite a bit of volume, 10 sets for just biceps in 1 day? Thats 20/week, not counting back lifts. I would do near half that much volume. Maybe 12-14 sets / week.
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    Bicep tendon pain

    @jbreyes777 The majority of the time, a pain in a biceps tendon has NOTHING to do with the biceps or biceps movements. It's usually an issue with the connecting tissue of the biceps long head and the shoulder. This can be caused by inflammation, both from illness or diet. It may also be from...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @jordanconnect Correct! 3-5 proper hard sets is plenty for growth. But you're basically going to the gas station every week and filling your tank to 3/4 full. Sure, you have gas but you could have easily just filled the tank full, why leave that 1/4 empty? By only doing 5 sets weekly you will...
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @frustratedhusband i live for that burn. look forward to it every week.
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)

    @eil how did you do the same weight and reps at 3 rir 3 sets in a row? i find that even doing 2-3 RIR my reps drop down a few, and by set 3 i have to drop the weight