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    Never thought I would achieve this

    @sozomai I just eat raw, unseasoned Tofu because of the macros and cause I’m too lazy to cook, lmao
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    Critique my workout routine (made by me)

    @stevethewaldner Nutrition looks great! Just make sure you get your minimum fat intake.
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    Critique my workout routine (made by me)

    @stevethewaldner You’re probably better off following a program from r/fitness. Otherwise for nutrition, what’re your calories and macros?
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    DIY protein/health shake?

    @nfrazer1 Bump on this. Tofu is really versatile and gives Protein Shakes a really creamy texture if you blend it with Protein Powder.
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    newbie protein question

    @iconoclaust I would still say more appears to be beneficial.
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    newbie protein question

    @malou 0.8 grams of protein per pound of weight is optimal. You might want to go up to 1 gram per pound if you’re cutting though as Protein becomes more important if you’re on lower calories. Also the RDA is not for those exercising. That’s just the minimum amount not the optimal amount...
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    Vegan Strength Training Diet

    @whatwouldhedo TRT is meant to be life-long, did you stop?
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    Vegan youtubers for entertainment

    @franklinjm777 Bump on Brian Turner. I like Nimai, but, I’m pretty sure he’s on what I’m on, but, not as “public” about it
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    I fing hate protein shakes. How do I eat enough gains?

    @newbee3 How about TVP, Tempeh and Plant Meat if you got the money. Other beans such as lentils, black beans, navy beans and etc.
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    The Great Protein Lie: Unmasking the Truth Behind Excessive Protein Intake in Vegan Fitness and Reclaiming Our Health

    @sandraovercomer Bruh, just tell people regardless of diet to stick to 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per pound. It’s just easier this way.
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    Lifting with lack of sleep

    @livelovelaugh I would still exercise but modify intensity
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    Injured and bulking

    @pnevmavathis Maintenance.
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    Dr T Colin Campbell says we need lot less protein

    @kab00m 0.6-0.8g per pound is optimal for those doing resistance training. 1g per pound may be optimal for those cutting. You can go lower, but, that would be for the general population instead.