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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @a1235 Haha... genetics plays a part too. It just plays a smaller part than a lot of people think. I'm also not "kicking your ass". I've dedicated a percentage of my time, effort, resources to working out, that fits my lifestyle and goals. You've also dedicated a percentage of your time to...
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    Realistic expectation for boob loss?

    @americangirl54 This is going to depend person to person... I wear a 30 DD - 32 D US sizes, and though I get stronger and leaner progressively, I've yet to really lose much breast tissue. I also have more dense tissue than a lot of women. My older sister also does not see a decrease in breast...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @a1235 I mean, I know you're joking, but if you really wanted to, you could probably get pretty close. My BMR isn't really that high. If I haven't lifted in the last 24 hours, it's likely between 1,250 - 1,350 per day. It might be a little towards the higher end, because I carry a larger than...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @a1235 Eating right before bed will not negatively affect your health/ weight. This is a myth. I regularly eat 30 - 50% of my daily calories between when I get back from the gym (8 PMish) and bedtime (10 PMish). There are a couple of reasons for this: A breakfast of 4 eggs is only only 240...
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    Let's talk macros...

    @pjfl I have MFP set for 35% carbs, 40% fat, and 25% protein, but it really varies day by day, what I'm actually aiming for. Protein always stays at a .8 gram per lb - 1.2 gram per lb goal. On rest days, I try to cut starchy carbs all together, and fat goes way up. On really heavy workout days...
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    Lily Myers "Shrinking Women"

    @nzube Ooh.... good call. Thank you for that suggestion. I am positive the word "just" appears frequently in my emails.
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    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @tinabugs77 Thank you, and also on my part, I apologize. I come off very strong on this topic, and often lack sensitivity. That is something I should work on. I have blame here. You're right that coming off as aggressive isn't helpful to anyone. It's a hard one for me, as I see so many women I...
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    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @tinabugs77 I'm not being aggressive, I'm being firm. First, if you are going to claim a body fat percentage, you should at least have a concept of essential body fat enough to realize that below 13% is/was probably not an accurate reading, and would put you in a place of failing health to...
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    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @tinabugs77 ... You do realize that being around 12% body fat isn't actually healthy for women, and that 18.4% body fat is considered low for women, right? Edit: Of course the calipers are wrong, and the only reason you have been lying about your body fat is because for some reason you've...
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    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    @frank972 I'm 5 ft, mostly lifting, and 1,800 is a pretty large deficit for me. OP is in her 40s, so her metabolism has probably taken a little bit of a hit, but not that much... OP - Why 1,250 calories? You don't list your starting weight, but this seems pretty extreme.
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    Lily Myers "Shrinking Women"

    I thought many of you might appreciate this. I think many of us can relate.
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    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @andy1993 It’s hard to say for me, honestly. I started doing some stuff mostly with dumbbells about a year before I started doing the major lifts consistently with barbells. 3 months into CF? Looking back on Instagram, I probably had about a 130 bench, 140ish squat and 175-200lb is deadlift at 5...
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    Dexa Body Fat % Results Table by Height and Weight

    @mlay901 I've said it before and I'll say it again. The way I look at 115ish lbs now is WILDLY different and leaner than the 115 lbs of years past. I also look leaner than I did at 100ish lbs in my late teens.
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    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    @artemis153 There's no way to say for sure, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm much shorter than you (5 ft tall). When I was in my high school years, I could comfortably sit at about 90-95 lbs, with low body fat; provided I was active. As I got into my late teens - 21 or 22ish, that...
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    Dexa Body Fat % Results Table by Height and Weight

    @mlay901 Of course it doesn't. Why would it? People who carry a lot of nice, compact, lean mass, and not a lot of body fat; will likely look way leaner than people who who weigh 10-20 lbs less than them; but carry a higher percentage body fat. This is why a lot of people who have been leading a...
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    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    @unhappymale Why do they have you eating below your BMR? If your BMR is 1,350 and you are exercising, and ya know not sitting in bed entirely immobile during the rest of your waking hours, your TDEE is probably at least 1,900 calories per day. 1,250 would be a 650 calorie deficit MINIMALLY...
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    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @mrkruback I mostly missed it too. I saw the meme sites and few of the other science based people/groups make mention of it, but I’ve never thought highly of the guy, so I mostly just rolled my eyes and said “figures”.
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    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @dartmanii He also ignores research that doesn’t support his philosophy, which is not to say that this is the best study. The studies he uses also aren’t always the best. Someone can site scientific studies and still not be evidence based. He often falls into that category. An example of...
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    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @brad94 Yeah, he’d been getting dragged before that for saying some dumb shit, and being a general sleaze bag, and then that hit along with it. I came across a bunch of his tips/other writing early on in strength training and was just immediately turned off. Over the years I’ve had...
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    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @dawn16 I can. When it’s a white guy especially, most people have a keen ability to separate the skill/talent/knowledge (even if it’s mediocre, as it is in this case), from the shitty character and actions of the person. I doubt he’ll see any significant or long term loss in business, following...