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  1. I

    C25K isn't working for me

    @pianoplayer927 My natural impatience dislikes this, but I will try to slow down.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @sherivickery I alternate weight lifting and running. My squat is almost my complete body weight, so I'm pretty sure that even if I am not super strong I have a decent amount of leg and ass muscle. It is the alternating 3 minute and 5 minute runs. I can do the three, but then on the 5 I feel...
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @robertbrowny I didn't mean to imply you were. I read the running subs or the fatlogic subs and they are always people with that running pace are liars and not running at all. I've been training with my BF for almost 2 years and he's exasperated with the lack of ability to progress past this...
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @robertbrowny Mostly because I feel like if I don't push, if I always stay where it is comfortable, I'll never get better than I am right now. Also, I get a lot of shit for "running" and 18 minute mile. Both online and in person from people I try to do things with.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @neoxenosangelo This last summer I was diagnosed with asthma for the first time, they did a series of tests in a sealed box and a weird aparatus I had to breath through or blow against. I "show strong response to broncho dialatiors" . So it is possible that it plays a role. I just really don't...
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @dawn16 I get to where I feel like I can't breath and my heart is going so fast and all I can think about is getting a deep breath in. It feels similar to a bad asthma day or panic attack.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @dawn16 I have been repeating the workouts I fail on. I fail at the five minute runs and today I even failed the three minute run, probably because I was already frustrated with myself. Sometimes I think my own head gets in the way.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @mannaflavours My slow enough to do it run isn't even three miles an hour. Its barely a fast walk.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @drycleaner sigh, yeah. ok. blerg.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @drycleaner My "slow" is so slow that I can't run 5k in the time of the workouts, I'd need over an hour.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @abuzakaria So is it reasonable to do both? Like I spend an hour, give or take, and make sure I get around that track 12 times (if I don't lose count). The C25K workout takes roughly half that amount of time. Is there benefit to after that, or before? Doing some of the fast intervals? I like...
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @seekinghim26 Don't suppose you could recommend an app for the intervals?
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @markxiii Ok, thanks for the claritifcation. I like the short sprints even though I can't maintain that for very long. I may mix things up. Slow for time and short for speed and see where that gets me. Just listening to my body tells me that the muscular effort I put into those sprints made...
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @markxiii You disagree that intervals build capacity or you disagree with something else? Your wording confuses me.
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    C25K isn't working for me

    I just hit a point where I feel like I'm gonna die if I run the whole time and it is embarassingly short, like five minutes. I tried slowing my pace and that hits my feet and legs in a totally different (uncomfortable) way and the pace is slower than a brisk walk. This morning I finally just...