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  1. M

    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @dawn16 Not true. The winners get paid. Bolt might not be the best example, but I know his net worth is readily available: These olympic athletes have incredible drive. I agree they aren't all in it for the money. Olympic athletes are also a small...
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    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @dawn16 The more all caps a comment has doesn't make it correct, buddy. False for a majority of people. Money is the largest motivator for a large percentage of the population. How many do you people know personally that work at a job they hate or don't feel fulfilled in? I am willing to put...
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    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @dawn16 I agree with you that crossfitters are athletes. It matters what you are considering they go to. A lot of these elite crossfitters started off in other sports. None of them were really stand-outs and transitioned to crossfit when they were done or found that they were good at it. I...
  4. M

    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @dawn16 Which crossfitter do you think could make a roster of any of the 4 big sports? I'm not sure why you are going off on /@aihi, he's correct. These crossfitters would be making more if there was enough money in it. Also, not to mention the different paying schemes. NFL, NBA, etc. are paid...