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  1. M

    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @nbj486 This is what you wrote. "Not only is this view harmful, it is scientifically inaccurate." Now show me the scientific study or scientific evidence that GENETICS "does not play" a role in our body phenotypes. Seriously, show me the study. If you can't, you are just basically expressing...
  2. M

    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @nbj486 That's like saying everyone can get a 4.0 GPA if they study hard enough or everyone can be a professional basketball player if they practice everyday or anyone can be a track star if they train with enough time and effort. The truth is NOPE, NOPE, and NOPE. By the way, I work in sports...
  3. M

    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @nbj486 So Bol Bol and his dad Manute Bol can get super jack like Shaq in his prime if they worked out long enough? lol... This is as about dumb as people who think creatine supplement is "natural" because it is found in food. The shiit is synthetically made AND it would take eating 12 pounds...