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  1. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @gg22 I haven't advanced far enough into bodyweight stuff to be using weights yet, so all of my workout is either unweighted or assisted (e.g. legs resting on dips). Someday I'll have to try a deadlift just to find out! The progression goes like this: you start an exercise doing 3 sets of 5...
  2. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @jimcrawford Glad to hear it! You can see how it's developed as I've used it more.
  3. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @jimcrawford Here you go!
  4. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @seeker17 I figured that would resonate with some readers! Google Sheets is part of the whole Google Drive/Docs ecosystem; Sheets is the spreadsheet/workbook one. I use it because it's web-based, so it's fully portable - desktop, laptop, phone, everything can access it. I'd hate to lose a...
  5. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @jeiza Good luck! Hope it works for you!
  6. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @jeiza What I do is take a full stop, close my eyes, and really think about different foods I have available, one by one. That's helped me distinguish between what sounds tasty, and what sounds good. Sometimes something sounds good enough, I'll cook it right then because it sounds so good. It's...
  7. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @chesterton77 Keep at it! Getting on the exercise wagon is probably the best thing I've ever done for myself. I've had to stack the deck re: diet. More than anything, I craved better food - I just had to make it more accessible. Lots of snack cheeses etc. As long as I took the time to listen to...
  8. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @dawn16 Right on! Keep at it - keeping the habit is the most critical, and nothing beats regular effort. You got this!
  9. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @glassful_of_violets o7 You too!
  10. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @marymadeleine My last injury was when I tried to do something dumb (in retrospect) to get a better range of motion on my rows, and a pretty dramatic failure screwed up my wrist for months. Yeah, newbie goofs. I definitely do all of my warm-ups, currently 15 reps all around does me right.
  11. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @pencin It crosses my mind now and again. But the temptation to chase gains tends to make me push and self-injure. I'll plateau eventually...someday. edit: sorry, realized that was only half the answer. I've made some dumb decisions (e.g. putting off getting a pull-up bar) that have impacted my...
  12. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @hopeandgrace Right on for being on it! I can't get away from it now - I'm so happy with how much healthier I am, I want to see how far I can go! I'm waiting for the day I get a good rowing machine, because that's something I could do all darn day...
  13. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @hansmatthee Haha, right! One of my biggest motivators is being able to keep up with my nephews. I'm not familiar with lifting iron, but I'm sure you can find a community for it. As someone who's been learning all of this solo, be ready to scale way back when you're starting, and learn how to...
  14. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @hansmatthee I've found that every time I try to go "beast mode" or non-casual, I start to push hard enough to risk injury, and I'm never doing that (again). This is better. Again, not a race, right? As long as I'm progressing and feeling better, purpose served. And right on for getting out...
  15. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @boondocks777 Go for it! Just stick with it - I can't overstate the value of setting the habit and keeping it, even if you're not doing a full three sets. I've ended up full-on Pavlov's Dog on it - my alarm goes off, I get up and get to it. It's a blessing, really. I'd say working out itself...
  16. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @pollyton Haha, you're farther along than I am! I'm talking myself into the workout, not talking myself down. It really blew me away when I realized that an hour after my workout, I always felt better - not sore, not worn out, generally alert and together.
  17. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @pollyton Right on! Keep it up! It was liberating when I accepted that it was okay to do short sets, because I was committed to the process. Now I have a hard time not up-selling to myself. Like... 3 hours before workout: I feel awful, one set today. At workout: I could do two... re...
  18. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @fellkone If it's been helpful, it's served its purpose. :D You got this!
  19. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    @crice Sorry to hear about your setback. Sounds like you're on the right track, incremental lifetime changes add up. One of my friends just started, going the PT route. She's on 10m of yoga poses and a 2 mile walk, but she's progressing well and working with a PT to develop further. Glad to...
  20. C

    1 year, 6’2” 37y/o, 215lb weak to 205lb not-weak

    So, last year I checked one red flag too many. Turns out, “use it or lose it” will catch up to you as the years roll on. So I picked a path (much love to /r/bodyweightfitness/ Recommended Routine) and started climbing the mountain. This is not (just) a progress check, nor is it meant to replace...