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  1. R

    Can you make good gains with like 6-7 hours of sleep as a beginner?

    @wishwish55 lol ive been getting pretty much only 5-7 hours of sleep per night since i started working out a year ago and ive made a good amount of progress. only a few weeks away from unlocking the full front lever 👍. idk how much sleep helps since i never really bothered looking into it but...
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    How do I get a physique like this?

    @cici1234 do some normal bodybuilding stuff for a month eating ur protein n shit and then just go on a cut to lose the body fat. a month is probably enough to build enough muscle to look like that. cutting/maintaining that low bf % may or may not be hard it depends on genetics.
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @houstonreborn if you want to increase the number of reps you can do then more volume is better imo. you can also try adding weight to yourself so that your normal bw feels lighter which will also lead to more pullups and takes less time than doing 70+ reps.
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @houstonreborn when i started conditioning my tendons for the planche by doing zanetti presses i never had any tendon problems in my bicep anymore. same with my tricep when i started doing muscle ups i would get tendonitis in my triceps but after doing some tendon conditioning with isometric...
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    calisthenics x weights

    @thespiritoftruth quick way to increase pullup numbers is emom training. you could try that if you want but yea normal sets and reps work better for hypertrophy.
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    calisthenics x weights

    @thespiritoftruth try doing/working towards pullups or adding weight somehow (wearing a backpack full of books for example)
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    calisthenics x weights

    @jamie113 were almost the same height and weight lol im 5'11 76kg anyways yeah calisthenics is definitely enough to build a good looking physique. same concept as lifting weights except you leverage your body in different ways to increase the difficulty instead of adding weight. the only major...