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  1. N

    Body Fat Percentage and the DEXA Scan

    @kazcat I agree, this challenge sounds cool. I wish I could do another DEXA now to see how things have changed in the last seven months since I started lifting heavy, but I don't think my insurance would cover it without a real medical reason. I'm especially interested to see whether my bone...
  2. N

    Body Fat Percentage and the DEXA Scan

    @kazcat I love this. I too had a DEXA scan about seven months ago and measured at 27% body fat. The traditional caliper estimates (which of course don't touch the butt/thigh region and are entirely upper body) would have put me at about 20%. I have to dig out my old DEXA results now... I'm...
  3. N

    Body Fat Percentage and the DEXA Scan

    @kattale The technicians who perform the DEXA scans - thousands of times over the course of their careers - don't even shield themselves during the procedure. That's how tiny and insignificant the amount of radiation produced by DEXA is. It's very different from regular x-ray and CT. The amount...