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  1. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @dawn16 Yes, I’ve been doing most of what you suggest. I suppose I just want some kind of anecdote between the pulldown and pullup. Thanks btw!
  2. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @hillpalash I’ll persevere with my negatives then, thanks!
  3. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @play311 Thanks, I’ll check out the site!
  4. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @cheryl_trinitarian Nicely put, thanks!
  5. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @meteorstorm Thanks, I’ll keep these in mind next time I train. May I ask how long it took for you to get from 0 to 9 pull ups?
  6. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @meteorstorm Is there a reason why I shouldn’t cross my legs? I feel whenever I do it it does help stabilize better.
  7. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    I’m (F/5’3/110lbs) currently training for a full pull-up 4-5 times a week. I can only pull 45lbs with the lat pulldown right now and can’t move myself a single inch on the pullup bar (not counting the shoulder shrug). My negatives also only last about 1/3 to 1/2 a second. I’m just wondering...