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  1. I

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @rsj455 10 years in a powerlifting gym and I've never seen what you've just described. I'm not saying you need massive legs to have big arms. I'm saying the more musculature you have over your body the bigger your arms will be, in a relative sense. If all you done was arms and that's it, sure...
  2. I

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @rsj455 I fully disagree and my own years of training and shown me otherwise. Direct arm work will develop your arms obviously, but if you're lacking development overall then you'll only see so much growth on the arms to a point. Show me someone that can deadlift 600lbs and you'll see someone...
  3. I

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @lizlugo51 You can do all the arm specialisation you want but your arms will grow in proportion to the rest of your body. You'll never get truly massive arms on someone with chicken legs or small lats. Arm specialisation will work greater of you have a solid base of muscle elsewhere on your body