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  1. J

    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @afirstbornson Yes, it made me feel super proud of myself for the hard work I put in. Going from the thick blue band to the green then the purple and finally to no band. It’s exactly what happened haha. “Let’s try with no band this time” and poof I pulled my old bag of bones up.
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @luey Super clear, thanks! 🙏
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @ladyoftrinity Oh yes, thanks for making me realise that. It definitely has increased a lot recently.
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @thkujsus Yes I did try to do strict ones before but couldn’t lift my old bag of bones up to the bar without a band. One thing I noticed though, it’s easier when I do them with grips. It almost feels like I’m cheating when I use my grips haha.
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @realsavior Haha thanks! It’s a nice personal achievement. I’ve been training a lot like 4-5 times a week if not 6 if I feel my body can handle it. I can see I’m lifting heavier than 6 months ago with for instance a clean & jerk at 42.5k now compared to an empty 15kg bb at the beginning. But...
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @alien444 Aah is that the secret? Adapt or die is my motto.
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @onedayworthy Thanks! Yes, I’m looking forward to the muscle up I’m not gonna lie. I knew technique was important but now it’s even clearer.
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @novihartanti 😂
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @radium05 That’s true and surprisingly this strict pull-up unlocked while on my period when I usually feel weaker. 😅
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    Hi, 36F here. I’ve been doing Crossfit for 6 months and personal training + gym for years before that. Could someone explain why all of a sudden last Monday I managed to pull myself up to the bar without a band? What changed between that time and my last pull-ups two days before where I needed...