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  1. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @nadeishot Here is me in July (5-6 months in) : This was my lightest. I was able to do 6-8 pullups with correct form and pause at the bottom, if it helps you... I think I wasn't strong enough for dips but diamond push ups were fine. Be careful about yogurts, some of them are 0% fat but...
  2. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @gigi25 As @yourgoodfriend5 said it's push, pull, legs. It's a program where you do a 3 day cycle in which there is a day focused on push (pecs, triceps, front delts..), on pull (back, biceps, rear delts,traps..) and legs movements. Sometimes there is abs training on leg day too.
  3. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @dawn16 I love the app, it helps me staying motivated. I used myfitnesspal for calorie tracking. I didn't use it myself for a long time but this sub app ( is used by some of my friends who started...
  4. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @dawn16 Well as I said it changed 4 times during this journey. 1st phase : PPLish weightlifting and BW training at home (and a lot of cardio) At this time, I was just starting out and was trying to apply the knowledge I gathered on internet correctly. I based my training on metallicadpa's PPL...
  5. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @xxxxxxxnarutoxxxxxxx Honestly, when I felt small and saw that I didn't have as much muscle as I thought underneath the fat. Also, I was kinda giving up on the diet lol
  6. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @casintexas2 Yes me too, the 2 first sets are usually good for form checks. I also like the 5+ sets too for endurance.
  7. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @tim275 Oooh xD. How are you feeling about nSuns's ?? I switched in january, there is a lot of volume I LOVE it ! I always had a hard time with pecs development but not anymore on this routine ! It was hard to keep up when I healed back from a flu though. Thank you for the kind words man :)
  8. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    @titusyoder LOL. What if I told you I cut my hair during the party (it was lasting 2 days on a week-end) ?? It was ridiculous, I even cut myself a few times with the razor because I was drunk
  9. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    M/22/5'10" [225lbs > 185lbs = 40lbs] (1 year). I tried to x-post from r/progresspics but couldn't because of the linked picture. Here is a picture of my transformation : This is a copypasta of my r/progresspics comment : "I did a strict diet for 6 months (2200->1800 kcal, macros were...