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  1. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @angelgrleyes Thank you!!
  2. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko Hi again “snapping turtle”, as I refer to you in my brain. I just wanted to update you that I feel like the last 12 days (wow only 12 days???) have been a huge learning curve but that I am so appreciative of your input and I have started lifting and learning so so so much. I’m very happy...
  3. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko Not all the time, but you mentioned you’re a dad, so I would imagine it’s ‘most of the time’, but same here if that gives you any comfort. 😆
  4. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko Easy peasy 💅🏻 (not lol). Thanks again for all the info- have a great day!!
  5. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko Just finished my 50th strength training workout! Thanks again for the motivation to not be afraid to look like Arnold. Turns out I don’t, but I’m “toned” 😂- who knew?! Oh wait, you did. Lol anyway thanks again, over and out!
  6. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko Great!! Thank you !!
  7. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko This is fabulous (and slightly overwhelming but I’m going to read it several times). I love having it explained and broken down for me. It makes sense, too, which is helpful 😂 thank you again Turla!
  8. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko Thank you so much! That’s a good point about the extra effort. I don’t know why I gave that mindset about lifting weights, but I’m going to read the CopyPasta (and thank you for the explanation, I enjoy the “telephone” evolution of the phrase) and hopefully begin to slowly incorporate...
  9. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    I like the idea of adding more time to weight training and doing the cardio with the kids, thank you. I also really like the specific information about “toning” and how that all works- you’re completely right, I associate weight lifting with looking manly which is not my goal so I appreciate the...
  10. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    @harko I accidentally put my reply below- thank you!
  11. J

    Workout plan-32 year old female

    Sorry so long! Hello! I’m trying to tone up (nothing major, just hoping my stomach will flatten a tiny bit and maybe arms/legs less flabby). I had two children which didn’t help I’m sure but overall I’m just generally never been “toned”. I’m 5’ 8” ~150#. I do the following: Mondays 5-15 minutes...