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    Stuck in a hotel room for 2 weeks. No equipment, only food options are takeout/microwave. Review my fitness plan?

    @departed So I started with basics like Hollow-hold and working on L-sits, then started "skinning the cat" which actually really helped with an old rotator cuff issue. I then started using the rings and Parallettes to improve my L sit, step through and ring-dips, also with a lot of rows. I've...
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    Stuck in a hotel room for 2 weeks. No equipment, only food options are takeout/microwave. Review my fitness plan?

    @departed Yeah, I bought some gymnastic rings for summer and really enjoyed it. I obviously can't do anything exciting on them but just good to try different movements I think! Plus my knees are a mess so it's good to fixate on core for a while!
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    Stuck in a hotel room for 2 weeks. No equipment, only food options are takeout/microwave. Review my fitness plan?

    @departed Oh that's great news - I didn't realise they'd made it all free now. Going to get into some of those acrobatics ones now!
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    Stuck in a hotel room for 2 weeks. No equipment, only food options are takeout/microwave. Review my fitness plan?

    @totalimmortal I posted this as a comment but can really recommend the Puma app - it's called PumaTrac. Nike have one called Nike Training Club but a lot of their workouts are equipment based. I think Adidas have one too but I've not used it.
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    Stuck in a hotel room for 2 weeks. No equipment, only food options are takeout/microwave. Review my fitness plan?

    @thinkingatheist I think they're being quarantined for 2 weeks so won't be able to leave or order anything in. I can recommend the PumaTrac app which has a lot of bodyweight only workouts - I used it during the first period of the UK lockdown when we could only do 1 hr outside exercise a day...